Interview with released political prisoner arrested in Argentina and transferred to Paraguay

In this interview at the US Embassy in Asuncion, a released political prisoner, Lidia Ester Cabrera de Franco recounts her arrest in Argentina and her detainment at the Investigations Police headquarters and Emboscada prison in Paraguay.

The interview alludes to victims who were disappeared during death flights. When Argentine dictator Videla visited the Paraguayan prison, the victim recalls that several Argentine prisoners were turned over to the Argentine authorities who had travelled in the President's aircraft, never to be seen again.

Testimonios sobre los desaparecidos uruguayos en Argentina

Este documento es un reporte escrito por la "Secretariat International de Juristes pour l'Amnestie en Uruguay" en París. Menciona dos testimonios de personas recientemente liberadas en la Argentina y actualmente refugiadas en Europa que aportan información sobre las operaciones conjuntas de los militares uruguayos y argentinos contra los refugiados uruguayos en Argentina.

UNHCR Commissioner flags arrest and refoulment of Uruguayan exiles in Argentina

This document addressed to the US Secretary of State from the US Ambassador to Argentina mentions the visit of the UN High Commissioner for Refugee's (UNHCR), Kevin Lyonette, to Argentina. Lyonette expressed concern regarding the potential arrest and refoulment of up to 25 Uruguayans living in Buenos Aires between December 1977 and January 1978. 

UN refugee office in Argentina is raided

This telegram from the US State Department reports that the UNHCR office in Buenos Aires (Argentina) has been raided. The event may have been intended as a warning following the critical statements made by former Uruguayan senator Enrique Erro in Geneva about his detention in Argentina. 

The document claims that the UNHCR has 50 cases of Bolivian, Chilean, Paraguayan, and Uruguayan refugees in Argentina.