Condor meeting in Buenos Aires in December 1976 to discuss psychological warfare

In this document, the CIA reports on a meeting which took place between Condor member countries in Buenos Aires from 13th to 16th December 1976 to discuss psychological warfare operations. This included an agreement whereby one member country agreed to publish propaganda in favour of another member country so that it could not be traced back to the benefitting country.

Montoneros detained in Peru and expelled to Bolivia

In this report sent to the US Secretary of State, the US Ambassador to Peru flags a conversation he had with the Peruvian Prime Minister, Richter Prada regarding the case of the missing Argentine Montoneros detained in Peru and expelled to Bolivia. The Peruvian Prime Minister divulged that the three Argentines were 'legally expelled and delivered to a Bolivian immigration official in accordance with long-standing practice'. He also mentioned that the Bolivian military had probably turned the three Montoneros over to the Argentine military forces.

Bolivian and Peruvian governments' statements on five missing Montoneros detained in Lima

The US Embassy in Peru informs the US Secretary of State of an article published in the leftist newspaper "El Diario de Marka" in which Bolivian President Lydia Gueiler undermines the statement from the Bolivian government confirming it had received the five missing Argentine Montoneros since it was 'obtained under pressure'. The same newspaper article also reported that the Peruvian Prime Minister Richter argued against the statements from the Bolivian Prime Minister denying that the Montoneros had been expelled to Bolivia.



Public outcry in Peru following arrest of Argentine Montoneros

This report sent from the US Embassy in Peru to the US Secretary of State in Washington mentions a statement released by the Government of Peru regarding three Argentine Montoneros detained in Lima. The statement had mentioned that the three Argentines were expelled to Bolivia following their arrest in Peru. The US Ambassador to Peru reports on the public outcry in Peru generated by this case involving Argentine security forces.