US Ambassador to Paraguay mentions existence of central communications system in Panama (Condortel)

In this document, the US Ambassador to Paraguay reports on his second meeting with the Chief of Staff in charge of the high-profile case of the assassination of Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier in Washington. The Chief of Staff General Alejandro Fretes Davalos pointed to a document indicating the coordination between security forces in South America to share intelligence and carry out the detention and refoulment of 'subversives'. The document mentions the existence of a protected communications system ('Condortel') at a US military base in Panama.

FBI statement to Chilean government following assassination of Chilean politician Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt in Washington

This document summarises a statement from the FBI which will be presented to the Chilean government, following the death of Chilean politician Orlando Letelier in Washington. The FBI indicates that there is strong evidence that, beyond intelligence sharing, international operations are also part of the Operation Condor system.

State Department assesses Condor operations outside of member countries

In this document addressed to the US Embassy in Paraguay, the State Department reports on the development of Condor from intelligence sharing to potential assassination operations outside of member countries. The security services of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay originally committed to partaking in operations outside South America but Uruguay is now reconsidering further participation followed a failed mission.

Urgent appeal of UNHCR for resettlement of refugees in Argentina

In this telegram, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the State Department, Harry Shlaudeman writes to the Secretary of the State Department regarding the recent appeal of the UN High Commission for Refugees to the US and 33 other countries requesting the urgent resettlement of one thousand refugees in Argentina, alongside further refugees in the future.

Arrest and refoulment of PVP militants in Argentina

This telegram from the US Embassy in Uruguay to the Secretary of State in Washington reports on the round up of militants from the Party for the Victory of the People (PVP) by the Uruguayan military regime. This includes the arrest of 22 PVP militants in Argentina and their subsequent refoulment to Uruguay.

The US Embassy reports on the cooperated psychological warfare between the Argentine and Uruguayan military regimes used to cover up the appearance of PVP militants disappeared in Argentina through the media.