Agents from Condor member countries sent to Argentina to combat Montoneros

This document contains three messages from the CIA. The first contains intelligence regarding the crossborder travel of agents from Condor member countries to support countersubversive operations in Argentina. The second and third documents examine the activities and reorganisation of the Montoneros guerrilla movement in Argentina.

Argentine regime pressures Paraguay to join Condor action unit, Teseo

In this document, the CIA reports on the pressure from the Argentine military regime for Paraguay to join "Teseo", an action unit established by member countries of Operation Condor to conduct physical attacks against political opponents of the Southern Cone's military regimes. Teseo is based at the 601 Intelligence Battalion in Buenos Aires.

Russell Tribunal II

Between 1974 and 1976, the Russell Tribunal (created in 1966 to investigate the US intervention in Vietnam) met to probe the crimes committed by the dictatorial regimes across Latin America. The work of this second tribunal, called ‘Repression in Latin America’, counted on the participation of internationally renowned intellectuals, such as Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez and James Petras, and brought together hundreds of testimonies and pieces of documentation.

Coup d’état in Brazil

The coup d’état in Brazil was carried out by military forces between 31st March and 1st April 1964. It led to the overthrow of João Goulart (from the Brazilian Labour Party, or “Partido Laborista”) and marked the beginning of the Brazilian military dictatorship, which lasted until 15th March 1985. On 2nd April, a military regime was formed, which called itself the “Comando Supremo da Revolução” (Supreme Command of the Revolution). Goulart went into exile in Uruguay.