Argentine SIDE Director Laidlaw named the new Chief for Operation Condor

Confirmation that the then Director of the Argentine State Secretariat for Intelligence (SIDE), General Carlos Enrique Laidlaw, had been named the new Chief for Operation Condor at the last meeting of Condor representatives in Buenos Aires. The document also reveals the psychological warfare conducted by Operation Condor through the media of member countries.


Failed Condor operation in Argentina raises doubts on the effectiveness of crossborder collaboration

This CIA document reports that Argentina and one other Condor member country (name blocked out) had undertaken a failed operation against three targets in Argentina. This incident has raised doubts among the security forces of the unnamed member country regarding the effectiveness of crossborder cooperation given that too many individuals now know about Condor. 

“Chilbom” Cable on Operation Condor and Letelier’s murder

This communication outlines the three phases of Operation Condor, according to a confidential source from the Argentine Army Intelligence Service. Notably, the document states that- as part of phase three- a special team had been organised in Argentine comprising members of the Argentine Army Intelligence Service and the State Secretariat for Information (SIDE), which was being prepared to carry out future operations in non-member countries.