Operations against the PVP in Argentina

The Partido por la Victoria del Pueblo (Party for the Victory of the People) was founded by Uruguayan exiles in Argentina in 1975. The Party’s militants came from the Federación Anarquista del Uruguay (Anarchical Federation of Uruguay), the Resistencia Obrero Estudiantil (Workers’ and Students’ Resistance, ROE) and the Organización Popular Revolucionaria (Popular Revolutionary Organisation, OPR-33).

Meeting of the Police Forces in Buenos Aires

Between 27th February and 4th March 1974, a meeting took place in Buenos Aires between the heads of the region’s police forces. During the meeting, it was agreed that the Argentine Federal Police would cooperate with its counterparts in Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. During this summit of police authorities, the attendees shared their experience with the aim of deepening their joint participation in antisubversive operations.