Sebastian Smart

Consultant on Digital Technologies and Human Rights

Researcher at the Centre for Access to Justice and Inclusion, Anglia Ruskin University, UK. Previously he worked at the Chilean NHRI and in civil society organisations and academia in Chile, Haiti and the UK.

Forensic Anthropology Research Group

The Forensic Anthropology Research Group (GIAF) brings together anthropologists and archaeologists from the Faculty of Humanities and Education at the University of the Republic in Uruguay. Since 2005, the team has been carrying forward the search for people who were detained and disappeared during Uruguay's most recent civil-military dictatorship.

It currently operates under the ambit of Uruguay's National Human Rights Institution and Ombudsman (INDDHH).

Instituto Cuesta-Duarte

The Cuesta-Duarte Institute is a civil society association created in Uruguay in 1989 at the initiative of the central trade union, the Plenario Intersindical de Trabajadores – Convención Nacional de Trabajadores (PIT-CNT), with the overall objective of providing technical support to organised workers, seeking in this way to improve their performance in the representation of their peers within the framework of the class struggle and according to their political objectives.