El Juez y el General

When in 1998, Chilean judge Juan Guzmán was assigned the first criminal cases against the country's ex-dictator, General Augusto Pinochet, no one expected much. Guzmán had supported Pinochet's 1973 coup, waged as an anti-Communist crusade, that left the democratically elected president, Salvador Allende, and thousands of others dead. The Judge and the General reveals one of the 20th century's most notorious episodes and tells a cautionary tale about violating human rights in the name of "higher ideals'.

La Doble Desaparecida

Documental realizado a partir de la investigación periodística realizada por Jorge Gestoso para C.N.N. en español, emitida en agosto de 2001. Esa investigación posibilitó encontrar e identifican los restos de María Rosa Mora, detenida desaparecida en Argentina en abril de 1976, secuestrada en la ESMA y asesinada en los vuelos de la muerte. Sus restos ubicados por pescadores en el Río de la Plata fueron inhumados como N.N. en el Cementerio del Norte y no pudieron ser recuperados.

Por esos ojos

Documental que recoge el testimonio de María Esther Gatti de Islas sobre la búsqueda de su nieta Mariana Zaffaroni Islas, quién fuera secuestrada con 18 meses de edad en Buenos Aires en 1976 por un integrante del SIDE (Servicio de Información del Estado Argentino). Sus padres Jorge Zaffaroni y María Emilia Islas, eran militantes uruguayos que continúan desaparecidos.

Close Liaison with Chilean Army to investigate Uruguayans in Chile

This report forwards information on the close liaison in September 1973 between the Uruguayan Army and the Chilean Army to deal with the large number of Uruguayans in Chile, many of whom are presumed to be Tupamaro guerrilla fighters. The report notes that Uruguay has a small team of officers working at the Chilean Army’s Headquarters in Santiago in order to review the status of all Uruguayans in Chile.

Argentine refugee Guillermo Cesar Torres Castaños tortured by Argentine officers in Brazil

In this document addressed to the US Secretary of State in Washington, the US Consul in Rio de Janeiro mentions the report filed by Argentine refugee Guillermo Cesar Torres Castaños to the UNHCR. Torres Castaños claims to have been kidnapped in Brazil, where he was later tortured by both local security forces and Argentine Federal Police officers.

Note from Permanent Mission of Uruguay Before the OAS re. Abduction of Lilian Celiberti and family

This document is composed of three parts. The first of which is a note from the Permanent Mission of Uruguay before the Organization of American States (O.A.S.) dated April 1981.The note is sending the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Montevideo a copy of an article written by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights in relation to Case No.4529. The second part is a note dated December 1980 containing the observations of the claimant of Case No.4529 (Celiberti and family).

Attempts by Argentine and Brazilian agents to detain two Argentine women at the border

This report explains the attempts by numerous Argentine and Brazilian agents to arrest two Argentine women in the Brazilian city of Uruguaiana bordering Argentina. Although the names are crossed out, it is possible to tell from the dates and mentioned places that the cases refer to Cristina Fiori (whose name has not been crossed out towards the end of the document) and Margarita Mengol. Fiori was detained in an operation by several Uruguayan civil police agents and one Argentine police officer on 17th November.

Montoneros meeting to plan operations during the World Cup in Argentina

The report records that, between 16th and 20th December 1977, the guerrilla group Montoneros held a meeting in Santos city situated in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. During this meeting, they discussed the operations to be carried out during the World Cup in Argentina. The Montoneros organisation is going to ramp up its operations during the World Cup, aiming to hijack the radio and television transmissions to spread messages against the Argentine government. The report is not signed.

Brazilian Governor Leonel Brizola embarks on Aerolíneas Argentinas flight

The document recounts that Leonel Brizola and his companions did not embark on the Braniff flight to New York as originally planned. Rather, they later travelled on the flight no. 300 operated by  Aerolíneas Argentinas which covers the Buenos Aires- New York route, without the normal layover. The telegram is from Cláudio Garcia de Souza, Brazilian Ambassador to Argentina.