The Argentine Trial of the Military Juntas

22/4/1985 al 9/12/1985

Between 22nd April and 14th August 1985, 78 public hearings were carried out during the trial of nine Argentine military leaders who were in charge of the Military Juntas of the Argentine dictatorship from 1976 to 1983: Jorge Rafael Videla, Emilio Eduardo Massera, Orlando Ramón Agosti, Roberto Eduardo Viola, Armando Lambruschini, Omar Domingo Rubens Graffigna, Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri, Jorge Isaac Anaya and Basilio Lami Dozo.

The trial included the testimonies of over 800 witnesses and lasted 232 days in total. It investigated many crimes against humanity that had occurred between 1976 and 1983.

The Chief Prosecutor was Julio César Strassera who acted alongside his Assistant Prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo. The names of the judges were Jorge Torlasco, Ricardo Gil Lavedra, León Arslanián, Jorge Valerga Araoz, Guillermo Ledesma and Andrés D’Alessio.

The sentence was pronounced on 9th December 1985: Jorge Rafael Videla and Emilio Eduardo Massera were sentenced to life imprisonment, Roberto Eduardo Viola was sentenced to 17 years, Armando Lambruschini was sentenced to eight years and Orlando Ramón Agosti was sentenced to four years in prison.

Media description
The Opening of the Trial of the Juntas (Buenos Aires, 22nd April 1985)