Enrique Rodríguez Larreta’s Complaint before Amnesty International


Enrique Rodríguez Larreta was a Uruguayan journalist who was captured in Buenos Aires in July 1976. He had travelled to Buenos Aires to search for one of his children who had disappeared and, in doing so, he was also captured and detained at the Automotores Orletti clandestine torture and detention centre.

He was subsequently transferred to Montevideo, together with a group of Uruguayan militants who had been captured in Buenos Aires and were held in detention and torture centres run by the Uruguayan Servicio de Información y Defensa (Defence Information Service, SID). Enrique was eventually released in December 1976. Once he was released, Enrique focused on gathering information. He then travelled to Europe to present an international complaint against the crimes of domestic state terror, as well as those of the repressive coordination between Uruguay and Argentina.

The document written by Rodríguez Larreta is known as the “Orletti Report”. It was presented in London on 18th March 1977, with the support of Amnesty International. This document constitutes a pillar stone for the knowledge of these events and the complaints that were presented before the tribunals in different countries.

Media description
Amnesty International’s press conference together with Enrique Rodríguez Larreta (London, 23/3/1977)
The Times, 24/3/1977