The Abduction and Disappearance of Alexei Jaccard Siegler


Alexei Jaccard Siegler was a Swiss-Chilean and a member of the Chilean Communist Party (Partido Comunista de Chile).

On 13th October 1974, he was captured and tortured by agents from the Chilean Army’s Security Service, which left him with severe physical injuries. On 21st December 1973, just a few months after his release, he went into exile in Switzerland. 

On 14th May 1977, he travelled from Milan to Buenos Aires. Two days later, on 16th May, he was seized on public thoroughfare to the hotel where he had been lodging. He was taken to a clandestine torture and detention centre at the Argentine Federal Police quarters. He was subsequently transferred to several Chilean clandestine torture centres by agents from the Chilean Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia (Directorate of National Intelligence, DINA), where he eventually disappeared. He was seen for the last time at a clandestine centre known as “Simón Bolívar” in Santiago (Chile).

Media description
Installation with a press note on the disappearance of Alexei Jaccard
Museum of Memory and Human Rights