The Abduction of Fuentes Alarcón and Santucho in Paraguay

16/5/1975 and 17/5/1975

In mid-May 1975, Chilean Jorge Isaac Fuentes Alarcón, who was a member of the Central Committee member of the Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Left Movement, MIR), left Buenos Aires and headed for Paraguay, accompanied by Amílcar Santucho. They were both members of the Junta de Coordinación Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Coordinating Junta, JCR) and were carrying fake documents.

Amílcar was the brother of Mario Roberto Santucho, the founder and leader of the Argentine Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (Workers’ Revolutionary Party, PRT) and Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (People’s Revolutionary Army, ERP). On 16th May, Santucho was captured as they arrived at the border to Paraguay at Itá Enramada. Whereas Fuentes Alarcón was arrested the following day at a hotel in the Paraguayan capital of Asunción.

Jorge Fuentes Alarcón, known as “el trosko”, remained imprisoned in Paraguay until 23rd September, when agents from the Chilean Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia (Directorate of National Intelligence, DINA), transferred him from Asunción to Santiago. Numerous survivors from the two clandestine torture and detention centres remember seeing Jorge in a very bad state of health, firstly at “Cuatro Álamos” and later at “Villa Grimaldi”, where he was seen for the last time on 12th January 1976 before he disappeared.

Whereas Amílcar Santucho remained in prison in Paraguay until September 1979, when he was expelled to Sweden.

Media description
Collection of documents that refer to the capture of Santucho and Fuentes Alarcón
Documents: Composed by: Barbano and Risso.