Remnants of Truth: The Role of Archives in Human Rights Trials for Operation Condor

Since General Augusto Pinochet’s detention in 1998, an unprecedented number of human rights trials has taken place across Latin America. The main source of evidence employed in these proceedings are victims’ testimonies: in fact, records documenting human rights violations are generally unavailable, having either been destroyed or hidden. When archives do exist, they do not usually identify individual perpetrators or victims, nor do they directly establish criminal responsibility.

Operación Cóndor 40 años después

Specialists of Latin America, the United States, and Europe offer an in-depth analysis of Operation Condor, which operated in South America during the 1970s. Operation Condor was created in 1975 to widen the links between the intelligence services and repressive organisations of the Southern Cone and to facilitate coordinated action.Various aspects are analysed by specialists on Operation Condor from Latin America, the United States, and Europe.

Los GAU. Una historia del pasado reciente (1967 -1985)

This book tells the story of the Grupos de Acción Unificadora (Unifying Action Groups, GAU) in the organisation of student and trade unions and the unification of the left through the Frente Amplio (Broad Front) coalition. It highlights aspects of the cruel repression of militants in Uruguay and Argentina during the civil-military dictatorship and the repressive coordination of Operation Condor.