Note from Permanent Mission of Uruguay Before the OAS re. Abduction of Lilian Celiberti and family



This document is composed of three parts. The first of which is a note from the Permanent Mission of Uruguay before the Organization of American States (O.A.S.) dated April 1981.The note is sending the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Montevideo a copy of an article written by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights in relation to Case No.4529. The second part is a note dated December 1980 containing the observations of the claimant of Case No.4529 (Celiberti and family). The note transmits a copy of the sworn declaration delivered by the former soldier Hugo García Rivas in Brazil in May 1980. The third part of the note contains the declarations delivered by the soldier Garcías Rivas in São Paulo, Brazil before the NGO Secretariado Internacional de Juristas por Amnistía en Uruguay (International Secretariat of Jurists for Amnesty in Uruguay). In these declarations, García Rivas offered a detailed account of the operation involving the capture of Liliana Celiberti, Universindo Rodríguez, and Lilian’s daughters. After recounting how the operation led to the capture of the Uruguayans in Porto Alegre, García Rivas touched on other topics, including the case of Hugo Pascaretta who was assassinated while being tortured. The document is signed off without a printed name by a representative of the Uruguayan Permanent Mission.